What is kundalini yoga (KY)?
Kundalini Yoga is rooted in science and practicality and is an ancient technology which allows us to work through physical body with our energetic bodies.
In this yoga we are blending breath work, vocal power by chanting mantras, meditations, different hand positions in mudras and asanas. The mixture of these elements are bringing harmony and balance to our being by stimulating immune, nervous, endocrine and lymphatic systems in our body and it can be a wonderful help in clearing nonfunctional programs in us.
These specific patterns and how we combine those aspects called kriyas. And each kriya has its own healing purpose, getting us into balance or back to full health.
This practice is transmitted through golden lineage of family through centuries which is a specific way of transmitting from teacher to student.
And practicing KY is helping us to ground in our hearts, in our beings, to cultivate our sensitivity and intuitive awareness.
For me, practicing KY simply embodies spirituality in my every day life.

As a psychotherapist, I love this technology because of the combination of the neuroscience, the possibility of releasing emotional patterns which are residing in our bodies with the spirituality aspects of the kundalini yoga. So it was a clear call for me to embark on this path and I just followed the calling. My mission and passion is to work towards coming back to our wholeness, to our True Self. I love helping us all uncover unconscious drivers in our lives, our belief systems, suppressed emotions and including forgiveness.
According to me, KY is a perfect tool for tapping into the higher consciousness, releasing our True Self through unblocking patterns which are stored in our physical, emotional and all energetic bodies.
All that because KY is helps work with our physical body to influence our energetic bodies and come back to balance through alignment. That is very much healing for us.
When energy can flow in our body and is not getting stuck in pockets, it helps our light, kundalini energy, to raise and shine. We can then live our truth and purpose. We are working with the endocrine system and we get into our energetic part.

KY has a lot to offer us, among the main benefits I would like to mention the power of strengthening our nervous system, cleaning our blood, balancing glands and hormones and the great help with releasing residual energy and subconscious patterns.
Physical and emotional health are enhanced thanks to the clearing of energy channels: by oxygenating our blood, activating the glandular system and removing toxins from our bodies. In KY we are rewiring our nervous system by the unique combination of repetitive movements followed by stillness.
Nowadays, many of our mental and physical diseases are rooted in stress. Stress that we might already experience in the womb or transmitted through generations by our families and culture emotional environments.
Chronic stress is present in almost all of us and causes imbalance in our autonomic nervous system. In today’s life, we are overstimulated and the fight and flight (sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system) is activated until it becomes wired in our neurological, hormonal and glandular systems … that’s to say in our minds.
By unconsciously suppressing unresolved residual emotions from childhood or from our family systems, we create a lot of stress, anxiety, exhaustion or even depression. So, my goal is to support you to safely release these energies from your body to regain your life force. To bring back a big amount of energy to your life and empower you to live your purpose and vision.
Regular KY practice is not just healing for our nervous system. It is as well scientifically proven to help healing addictions, PTSD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Chronic Fatigue, Anxiety. KY is stabilising us and brings resilience to our nervous system. It helps balance the expression of glandular secretions in the body.
What I love about KY is how we can balance our whole being through physical practice and this profound technology of kriyas, how important this fundamental step is for opening ourselves to spirituality. The experience is deep when our nervous, hormonal and immune systems are strengthened and balanced: we can begin to understand we are truly spiritual beings on this beautiful earth.

I was always interested in tapping into higher consciousness, in connecting with our roots and in the core of human experience. I enjoy meeting higher universal laws and energies through my own experiences. Kundalini yoga allowed me to align my energetic bodies and supported me in difficult times as well as in my inner work. I love the clarity we create through every day practice of kundalini yoga. I also believe that by doing this work we can shine and support other people in connecting to their own truth. Through our own balance and clarity, we can support others in finding theirs.
Now I invite you to dive into your own personal sacred being.
I would love to accompany you and support you with my guidance towards your true awakening.